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Задача 76015 Нужна помощь с английским ...


Нужна помощь с английским

английский язык 8-9 класс 73


задание 1
1) Some of the environmental problems that pose great danger to nature and our world include:

1. Climate change: Rising global temperatures due to greenhouse gases emitted from human activities are leading to more frequent and severe natural disasters, shifting weather patterns, and endangering wildlife habitats.
2. Deforestation: Clearing of forests for agriculture, logging, and infrastructure development is leading to loss of biodiversity, disrupted ecosystems, and increased carbon emissions.
2) These threats are primarily caused by human activities. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, industrial processes, and agriculture all contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and the destruction of natural habitats, exacerbating climate change and biodiversity loss.
3) Some reasons why people may not recycle or be careless when disposing of garbage include:

1. Lack of awareness or education: Some people may not fully understand the importance of recycling and proper waste disposal practices, leading to apathy or indifference towards these issues.

2. Convenience and habits: People may find it easier to simply throw away their waste without considering the environmental consequences. Convenience plays a big role in people's behaviors, and if recycling or proper disposal is not easily accessible or convenient, they may be less likely to engage in these practices.
Задание 2
2) evolution
3) extinct
4) habitat
5) ozone layer
6) biosphere
7) conservation

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