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Задача 75668 Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple или...


Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous

английский язык ВУЗ 118


6. Workers are repairing the highway this morning.
7. Because of the construction, Antonio uses Parson Road.
8. He doesn't usually use Parson Road.
9. Normally, he takes Route 93.
10. Traffic always moves faster on Route 93.
11. Today, the weather is slowing down the traffic, too.
12. It is raining hard, and the roads are slippery.
13. Antonio doesn't like to drive in the rain.
14. Antonio's a careful driver, and he always drives slowly when the roads are wet.
15. The radio is on, and Antonio is listening to the traffic report.
16. He always listens to the radio on his way to work.
17. The announcer is describing an accident on Parson Road.
18. Antonio doesn't want to be late for school, but there's nothing he can do.
19. Traffic isn't moving because of the accident.
20. Antonio hates to drive when the traffic is bad.
21. He never feels relaxed when he is behind the wheel.
22. He knows he can't do anything about the traffic conditions.
23. Antonio wishes he were on the bus instead.

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