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Задача 75592 составить диалог на английском с помощью...


составить диалог на английском с помощью данных выражений:
1 … computer keeps crashing
2 … screen keeps freezing
3 … forgot to save a document
4 … can’t connect to the Internet
5 The Internet connection is slow.
6 … have (has) a virus
7 … have (has) spilt tea on the keyboard
8 … can’t download music
9 … the link isn’t working
10 The hard disk is full.
11 … can’t get the DVD to drive
12 … have (has) deleted a file by mistake
13 … lost some files
14 The cursor sticks in the same place

английский язык 8-9 класс 73


A: Hey, how's it going?
B: Not too well. My computer keeps crashing.

A: That's a tough situation. Did you try to see what's causing the problem?
B: Not sure, but at the same time my screen keeps freezing and I can't do anything about it.

A: That is strange. We also need to check your Internet connection.
B: Yeah, I noticed. I can’t connect to the Internet.

A: That’s odd. Let’s try resetting your connection.
B: Alright, but the problem is that the Internet connection is slow.

A: Might be a virus issue. Let’s boot your computer in Safe Mode and run a virus scan.
B: I think you might be right. My computer might have a virus.

A: Oh, while we’re on that, try not to eat or drink near your computer!
B: Probably a good advice. I have spilt tea on the keyboard a few times.

A: Also, try to free up some space on your hard disk.
B: Is my hard disk full? I thought I just can’t download music.

A: Well, you also mentioned that the link isn’t working. So, we need to check that as well.
B: You’re right. I'm a mess today. I can’t even get the DVD to drive.

A: Just a bad day, happens. Anything else going on?
B: Yeah, I accidentally deleted a file and also lost some files.

A: We should try some recovery tools. And let’s also check your mouse settings.
B: Why so?
A: You said, the cursor sticks in the same place. Might be a hardware or software issue.

B: Okay, let's do all those. I think I need some professional help.
A: I'm sure we'll get it all sorted out.

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