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Задача 73499 Choose an object from Exercise 4. Speak...


Choose an object from Exercise 4. Speak about its size, shape, colour, what it’s made of, what you use it for, what you can do with it. The others will have to guess what it is.
Useful words and phrases
It’s big (small, long, short, wide, narrow, thick, thin).
It’s made of glass (paper, cloth, stone).
It’s wooden (plastic, metallic, organic).
You can eat it (play with it, read it, listen to it).

It’s round (square, oval, triangular).
It’s used when…
It’s used for…
I like it because…

D rucksack (рюкзак)
computer (компьютер)
English dictionary (английский словарь)
photos (фотографии)
compact discs (компакт-диски)
comics (комиксы)
television (телевидение)
personal stereo (личное стерео)
books (книги)
watch (часы)
electric guitar (электрогитара)
poster (плакат)

английский язык 6-7 класс 249


This item is quite big and shaped somewhat like a rectangle. It’s made of plastic, has some metallic parts too. It's mostly a shiny black and grey. This item is used when you need to find information, work, study or even for entertainment purposes. I like it because it keeps me connected to the world and helps me learn new things every day.

[b]Answer:[/b] Computer

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