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английский язык 10-11 класс 102


[b]to understand[/b]:
- Understanding English is essential for me because it's a global language used in many countries and cultures. This will allow me to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and understand their perspectives better.
- Learning English will help me access a vast amount of information, including books, articles, and media, that are available in English but not in my native language. This will broaden my knowledge and horizons.

[b]for personal interest:[/b]
- I have a personal interest in English-speaking countries, their cultures, and their literature. Learning English will enable me to immerse myself more deeply in these interests.
- English is the language of many of my favorite movies, TV shows, and songs. I want to understand them without relying on subtitles or translations.

[b]to speak:[/b]
- Practical communication is a significant motivator for me. Learning English will allow me to travel more comfortably, as English is widely spoken as a second language around the world.
- I see English as a valuable skill for my career and future opportunities. Being able to speak English fluently can open doors to job prospects and international collaborations.

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