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Задача 70800 Необходимо решить все 3 несложные задачи...


Необходимо решить все 3 несложные задачи по английскому языку:

Task 1.
Find the definitions for the following:
all the teachers who work in a university or college
the ability to find a job in the future
rooms, equipment or services that are provided by a university for a particular purpose or activity
a person who has got a degree
a subject that students can choose to take / not to take
money students pay for being taught/ trained
periods into which an academic year is devided
the land and buildings of a university or college
a short-time job a student does during their studies to gain experience
money awarded to excellent students

Task 2.
Use the given word to form a word that fits into the space:
School report.
Margaret started English Literature this term, and I am afraid that her ____________ (introduce) to the
subject has not been entirely ____________ (success). She has not shown much enthusiasm, and does not
always pay ____________ (attend) in class. Her assignments are often __________ (read), because she is
so untidy, and because of her ____________ (fail) to check her work thoroughly. She failed to do any
__________ __ (revise) before the end of term test, and had poor results. She seems to have the
____________ (mistake) idea that she can succeed without studying. She has also had many
_____________ (absent) and has frequently arrived late for class. This has resulted in several
____________ (punish). Although Margaret is a ____________ (gift) student in some respects, she has
not had a satisfactory term.

Task 3.
Match the words to make collocations and translate them from Russian into English:
to get a) a gap year
to major in b) students
to do c) one's studies
to gain d) employability
to win e) Management
to accept f) a degree
to take g) an internship
to improve h) an exam
to subsidize i) knowledge
to pass j) a scholarship

английский язык ВУЗ 373



1) Faculty - all the teachers who work in a university or college
2) Employability - the ability to find a job in the future
3) Facilities - rooms, equipment or services that are provided by a university for a particular purpose or activity
4) Graduate - a person who has got a degree
5) Elective - a subject that students can choose to take / not to take
6) Tuition - money students pay for being taught/trained
7) Semesters - periods into which an academic year is divided
8) Campus - the land and buildings of a university or college
9) Internship - a short-time job a student does during their studies to gain experience
10) Scholarship - money awarded to excellent students.


1) introduction
2) successful
3) attention
4) unreadable
5) failure
6) revision
7) mistaken
8) absences
9) punishments
10) gifted


1) получить - to get
2) специализироваться на - to major in
3) продвигать - to do
4) стать успешным - to gain success
5) привлечение внимания - attention grabbing
6) неразборчивый - unreadable
7) неудача - failure
8) пересмотр - revision
9) ошибочный - mistaken
10) отсутствия - absences
11) наказания - punishments
12) одаренный - gifted

a) получить год отсрочки - to get a gap year
b) специализироваться на управлении - to major in Management
c) продвигать свои учебы - to do one's studies
d) получить успех - to gain success
e) выиграть стипендию - to win a scholarship
f) получить степень - to accept a degree
g) пройти стажировку - to take an internship
h) улучшить экзамен - to improve an exam
i) субсидировать знания - to subsidize knowledge
j) сдать экзамен - to pass an exam

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