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Очень нужно сочинение на английском языке 11 класс "мои права и обязанности"

английский язык 10-11 класс 1777


My Rights and Responsibilities

As a human being, I have certain rights and responsibilities that I need to uphold. These rights and responsibilities are essential for me to live a fulfilling life and contribute positively to society.

My rights include the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I have the right to express my opinions, beliefs, and ideas freely without fear of persecution or discrimination. I have the right to education, healthcare, and a safe environment to live in. I also have the right to vote and participate in the democratic process.

However, with these rights come responsibilities. I have a responsibility to respect the rights of others and treat them with dignity and respect. I must follow the laws of my country and contribute to society in a positive way. I have a responsibility to take care of my health and well-being, as well as the health and well-being of those around me.

As a student, I have additional responsibilities. I must attend school regularly and complete my assignments on time. I have a responsibility to respect my teachers and classmates and create a positive learning environment. I also have a responsibility to prepare myself for my future by studying hard and setting goals for myself.

In conclusion, my rights and responsibilities are interconnected. I cannot enjoy my rights without fulfilling my responsibilities. It is important for me to understand and uphold these rights and responsibilities to live a fulfilling life and contribute positively to society.

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