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Задача 69472 Example: Bob is younger than Sue. (old)...


Example: Bob is younger than Sue. (old) Bob isn't as old as Sue. 1. American coffee is weaker than Turkish coffee. (strong) 2. A radio is cheaper than a TV set. (expensive) 3. The Mississippi River is shorter than the Nile. (long) 4. This test is easier than that test. (difficult) 5. Tom's accent is worse than Sabina's. (good) 6, My old flat is smaller than my new flat. (big) 7. Pete is more industrious than Kevin. (lazy) 8. My clothes are better than his. (bad)

английский язык 10-11 класс 209


1. Turkish coffee is stronger than American coffee.
2. A TV set is more expensive than a radio.
3. The Nile River is longer than the Mississippi.
4. That test is more difficult than this test.
5. Sabina's accent is better than Tom's.
6. My new flat is bigger than my old flat.
7. Kevin is lazier than Pete.
8. His clothes are worse than mine.

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