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Задача 59455 Choose the correct modal verb. Check in...


Choose the correct modal verb. Check in the Grammar Reference section.

1 A: Could/Must | use your phone please? B: Yes, you can/might.

2 A: Should/Would you like to have a Skype chat with me on Saturday? B: | can't/shouldn’t, I'm busy on Saturday.

3 A: I've tried everything but | shouldn’t/can’t connect my smartphone to the Internet. B: You need to/shall ask a waiter for the password.

4 A: Must/Would you help me install my printer this evening? B: Sorry, but | have to/could mind my little sister tonight. ‘

5 A: Why hasn't Steve called us yet? He could/ ought to be in trouble. B: You can’t/shouldn’t worry so much! His phone shall/might just be out of battery.

6 A: Shall/Would | install the software on your laptop? B: No, you needn’t/mustn’t do that. | doubt I'd use it.

7 A: Your phone is so old, Ann. You really may/ should get a new one. B: | know. | want one that can/must connect to the Internet.

8 A: Could/Might anyone show me how to use this app? B: | can/must help you if you like.

английский язык 1780


1) could, can
2) would, can’t
3) can’t, need to
4) would, have to
5) could, shouldn’t, might
6) shall, needn’t
7) should , can
8) could , can

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