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Задача 72325 Составить предложения Двойное настоящее...


Составить предложения
Двойное настоящее простое и настоящие продолжительное время
Составить по 5 предложений
Образовать к настоящему простому отрицательные формы
А к настоящему продолжительному времени вопросительные

английский язык 10-11 класс 125


[b]Present Simple[/b]:
1. She sings and dances beautifully.
2. He reads books and watches movies in his free time.
3. They play tennis and swim at the local pool regularly.
4. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
5. Cats purr when they are content and meow when they are hungry.

[b]Present Continuous[/b]:
1. Are you studying for the exam?
2. He is reading a book right now.
3. They are playing football in the park.
4. Is she watching a movie at the moment?
5. The kids are playing in the garden and laughing loudly.

[b]Отрицательные формы для настоящего простого времени (Present Simple)[/b]:
1. She doesn't like coffee.
2. He doesn't speak French fluently.
3. They don't eat meat.
4. The bus doesn't arrive on time.
5. I don't work on weekends.

[b]Вопросительные формы для настоящего продолжительного времени (Present Continuous)[/b]:
1. Are you reading that new novel?
2. Is he working on a project?
3. Are they studying for the test?
4. Is she cooking dinner tonight?
5. Are the kids playing in the park now?

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