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Задача 70622 Past Perfect ...


Past Perfect

английский язык 8-9 класс 158


1.1.After dad [b]had washed[/b] the car,he read the newspaper.
2.He [b]hadn't[/b] lunch so he was very hungry.
3.He [b]hadn't recharged[/b] his mobile so he couldn't text me.
4.She felt tired because she [b]had gone[/b] to bed very late the night before.
5.We couldn't drive to Liverpool because because our car [b]had broken down[/b].
6.I didn't go to the cinema because I [b]had seen[/b] the film.
7.Last summer I went to Rome.I [b]hadn't visited[/b] Italy before.
8.After I [b]had written[/b] the essay, I gave it to my teacher.

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