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⦁ Написать диалог по теме, о программе которую ты смотришь по телевизору (диалог в стиле обсуждения ТВ каналов «именно новостных каналов»)

английский язык 8-9 класс 483


Person 1: Hey, what are you watching on TV?

Person 2: Oh, I'm just flipping through the news channels.

Person 1: Oh, which one are you on?

Person 2: Right now I'm watching CNN.

Person 1: Oh, I see. I usually prefer Fox News.

Person 2: Yeah, I can see why. Fox News tends to lean more conservative and CNN tends to lean more liberal.

Person 1: Yeah, I like to get my news from a variety of sources so I can get a well-rounded perspective.

Person 2: Yeah, I agree. It's important to stay informed and get multiple viewpoints.

Person 1: Definitely. So, what's the latest story on CNN?

Person 2: They're just talking about the latest updates on the coronavirus vaccine rollout.

Person 1: Oh, that's interesting. I've been following the news on that closely.

Person 2: Yeah, it's definitely a hot topic right now. I just hope that the vaccine will be able to help bring an end to the pandemic.

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