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Задача 65840 10 предложений Present simple passive...


10 предложений Present simple passive
10 предложений Present Continuous и с переводом на русский

английский язык 6-7 класс 671


I am a teacher
I am a student
He works in Almaty
My mom always washes his hands.
We travel to America every year.
She goes to work
They don't go to school.
I never clean my room.
They play football every day.
She sometimes sings a song at school. Present Simple.

I am writing now.
She is slleeping
He is writing a letter.
They are watching a TV.
The are still arguing.
She is doing homework right now.
They are fishing.
She is still talking on the phone.
I am still working.
He is learning monologue.
Present continuous

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