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Задача 44499 Помогите с английским, срочно! №1 Future...


Помогите с английским, срочно!
№1 Future Simple accordingly. (+have) (-wil have)
1. Remove viruses from the computer -
2. Wash the coat +
3. Build an alcove in the garden +
4. Deliver a T-shirt from Aliexpress -
5. Clean the house on Thursday +
6. Sweep the floors -

№2 Now let`s imagine that your friend has got a maid that does most of the house chores. Ask him about it asing Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. Clean the windows.
2. Remove the dust.
3. Wash the clothes.
4. Bring the mail.
5. Make coffe.
6. Go for groceries.
7. Cook dinner.
8. Wash the floors.
9. Water the flowers.

1. Bob didn`t braid the dreadlocks himself.
2. He had his readlocks braided.
3. Lisa wan`t paint portrait herself.
4. I haven`t broken my nose myself.
5. I`m not driving the car myself now.
6. Jim is not going to fix his laptop himself.
7. We didn`t deliver the furniture ourselves.

английский язык 10-11 класс 1761

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