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Напишите сочинение по английскому про гаджеты на 5 абзацев. Помогите!!!

английский язык 8-9 класс 748

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I can not imagine my life today without gadgets. My phone is my best friend, organizer, navigator, vocabulary and so on. I use it every day and almost everywhere. If I go out I always take my phone with me. It helps me to find the right place, any schedule, to buy a ticket and many other useful things.

Another important function of my mobile phone is contact with my friends and family. Today everyone has a profile on Facebook, vkontakte, Twitter, Instagram, viber, Skype. Through these networks I can send pictures and videos, make video call and send any important information in couple of minutes. Besides I can always call my mom and tell her that I am fine and I will be at home soon. Everyone has today a phone but we never think how much useful this thing is for us.

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