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Задача 42522 Choose the correct word. 1 some...


Choose the correct word.
1 some vegetarians use vitamin attachments/addition/supplements to give their body all the nutrients it needs
2 when dieting, you can control/cope/supervise your hunger be eating small meals throughout the day
3 eat breakfast every day to keep/hold/maintain your energy levels high
4 I try to avoid eating processed/improved foods with artificial colourings
5 junk food is usually low in nutrients and high/excessive in calories
6 a good way to combat/oppose/defy stress is to eat healthily
7 the smeel of freshly-baked doughnuts always makes my mouth water/moisten

английский язык 10-11 класс 1017

Все решения

1 some vegetarians use vitamin supplements to give their body all the essential nutrients
2 during the diet, you can control your hunger by eating small meals throughout the day
3 eat breakfast every day to maintain a high level of energy
4 I try to avoid the use of processed improved products with artificial colors
5 junk food usually low in nutrients and high in calories
6 A good way to deal with stress, to resist it is to eat healthy foods.
7 the smell of freshly baked donuts always makes my mouth moisturize

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